I’ve recently finished releasing the second book as a podcast! You can listen to the entire thing, narrated by yours truly, one chapter per episode.


While it was being released, I pushed it to Substack, but their support for podcasts is poor. At the recommendation of the nice people at TheEnd.fyi, I moved it over to Captivate.

You can see the fun, new listing for it on The End, here:


The entire recording process was quite the adventure. At first I wanted to release it as an audiobook, and it felt like an overwhelming undertaking. Not that I ever let that stop me. I spent a lot of time fiddling with hardware and building a recording space. After recording the first third, I felt that there was no way I could produce an audiobook quality recording, so I scaled back my expectations.

Some of the episodes probably aught to be re-recorded, but at the moment I’m just going to bask in the joy of completion, and get back to writing book 3.